It is possible to represent a dataset in $latex R^5$ (a trajectory, actually) with a combination of a 3-dimensional space, color and sound.
Sound can be a powerful technique for representing data because it allows for the creation of complex and nuanced representations of information in a relatively compact and efficient format. Listening to a data set can reveal subtleties not easily detectable through visualization.Here is a simple example in Matlab that plays with representation of 5-dimensional data. The source code is below, also at The GitHub repository will hold additional development.
function Sonification()
% By Juan B. Gutierrez
% @biomathematicus
% First, create a dummy surface with a color map representing an
% additional dimension
x = 1:.1:10; y = 1:.1:10; z = sin(x)'*cos(x);
fig = figure(1);
colormap([1,0,0; 1,1,1]);
% Now, add the handler to the cursor event in the plot
h = datacursormode(fig);
function txt = DataCursorSound(empt,event_obj)
% By Juan B. Gutierrez
% @biomathematicus
% Retrieve position in the plot
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
% This is an artificial way of generating
tonic = floor(pos(1));
if bitor(tonic==0,tonic==9), tonic = 4; end
key = 220 + tonic*100/abs(pos(3));
fs = 44100;
tonic = 1;
seconds = 0.5;
Triad(key, tonic, 'min', 'per', fs, seconds);
sFeature1 = num2str(pos(1));
sFeature2 = num2str(pos(2));
sFeature3 = num2str(pos(3));
fFeature4 = sign(pos(3));
if fFeature4==1, sFeature4 = 'White'; else sFeature4 = 'Red'; end
sFeature5 = num2str(key);
% Customizes text of data tips
txt = {
['Dimension 1: ',sFeature1],...
['Dimension 2: ',sFeature2],...
['Dimension 3: ',sFeature3],...
['Dimension 4: ',sFeature4],...
['Dimension 5: ',sFeature5],...
catch err
txt = '';
function y = Triad(key, tonic, third, fifth, fs, seconds)
% By: Ryan McGee
% Source:
%establish tonic
if tonic == 1
ton = 0;
elseif tonic == 2
ton = 2;
elseif tonic == 3
ton = 4;
elseif tonic == 4
ton = 5;
elseif tonic == 5
ton = 7;
elseif tonic == 6
ton = 9;
elseif tonic == 7
ton = 11;
elseif tonic == 8
ton = 12;
%establish third
if third == 'min'
c1 = 3;
elseif third == 'maj'
c1 = 4;
%establish fifth
if fifth == 'aug'
c2 = 8;
elseif fifth == 'dim'
c2 = 6;
elseif fifth == 'per'
c2 = 7;
%Set up discrete-time vector
n = [1:seconds*fs];
f1 = key/fs;
f1 = f1*2^(ton/12);
f2 = f1*2^(c1/12);
f3 = f1*2^(c2/12);
A1 = 1;
A2 = 1;
A3 = 1;
%Build your waveform
y = A1*sin(2*pi*f1*n);
y = y + A2*sin(2*pi*f2*n);
y = y + A3*sin(2*pi*f3*n);