Looking for the personal side?
Currently, I’m a Professor of Mathematics and Chair of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Detailed CV (21 pages)
Executive Resume (2 pages)
Combined CV + Resume (23 pages)
Short Bio (~150 words)
Consulting : GUVO Solutions, LLC.
My area of expertise is data science. I have been funded to conduct research by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). I teach Data Analytics and Mathematical Statistics. My publication record is available here. My funding record is available here.
I am an published author, with a degree in in civil engineering , and a Ph.D. in mathematics. I have experience in the oil industry as an instrumentation engineer, as well as a systems architect for enterprise-grade information systems in government and industry. In the past three decades, I have been a consultant for multinational clients in Canada, Colombia, Netherlands, Spain & US. I have served as expert witness in legal proceedings.
Visual Summary
The labels on the top half of the timeline below summarize areas of academic activity. The labels on the bottom half summarize professional, executive, and leadership experience in industry and academia. See how to build this diagram with LaTeX.